Legacy End of Life – July 01, 2021

Written and published by Ross Snyder – Foundation Systems, Inc (801) 785-7720

ross@fsi.us.comhelp.fsi.us.com – training.fsi.us.com

FSI “Legacy” End-Of-Life Announcement

This document contains information that could affect how you use the FSI Pharmacy Management System Software
Foundation Systems Inc.
Pharmacy Management Software – Legacy Version
End-Of-Life / Sunset Date – July 1st, 2021

LEGACY will cease to function June 30, 2021, 11:59 PM MT

Since 1982, it has been our pleasure to bring you a simple yet advanced pharmacy management software solution. With the advancement of computer technology and the need to keep your pharmacy competitive, we have made significant changes over the years.  We are still the simplest, most customizable, and reliable pharmacy software vendors in the industry.

Our most recent major change, FSI introduced a graphical version of the FSI software, “FSI Enhanced” using the FSI Java based client.  Using our client and this software version gives your staff more flexibility and capability than ever before.

Moving forward, the time has come for old faithful, the FSI Legacy software version, to retire.  Some refer to the end of production as “End of Life”.  We are referring to the end of an era, a product that made FSI what it is today.  I am going to soften the term a bit right here and call it “Sunsetting”.  Who doesn’t love a good sunset, right?  I have never heard anyone say they are “End of Lifing” when they retire.  In this case, we are retiring our Legacy version.  Reading further, you can read the official announcement.  I adjusted some items in the official statement to hopefully point out the key parts for this coming Thursday.

On July 1, 2021, we say so long to an old friend, FSI Legacy, and send it into the sunset for retirement.

Download “FSI Client – Red Hat OpenJRE”

FSI-Client-21.002-Red-Hat-OpenJRE.msi – Downloaded 4081 times – 78.35 MB

FSI’s Official Legacy End-of-Life Announcement (Feb. 16, 2021)

We have reached the point where we must end the support and use of the Legacy format of our Pharmacy Management System. This format has served us and our customers for over three decades. It is with sadness that we leave it behind and yet with excitement, we look to the future.

In 2014, we introduced the Legacy format’s replacement, which we have dubbed the Enhanced format. This was also when we introduced our own in-house client software; the FSI Client.

Beginning shortly after the release of the Enhanced format, we moved all new development to only be on that new format. Since then the Legacy format has only received bug fixes and very minor improvements.

Over the years, many of our software’s core functionality has started requiring the use of the Enhanced format. We have now arrived at the moment where all of the main uses of our software will require the new format.

Beginning June 1st, 2021, every terminal will be automatically set to use the Enhanced format upon its first log in each morning. Once logged in, the user can go into their Terminal Map configuration and temporarily set that terminal back to the Legacy screens. It will then reset back to Enhanced the next day.

On July 1st, 2021 our software will move to use the latest format of MediSpan’s drug interactions, drug images, and other products that all require the use of the Enhanced format. Due to this, it is no longer safe to dispense prescriptions using the Legacy format.

July 1st, 2021 is when the Legacy format will truly reach end-of-life and will be disabled for all terminals. This marks the end of any support and usability for the Legacy format.

If you have terminals still using the Legacy format, please call our support team as soon as possible! Most terminals can use the Enhanced format without the need for new hardware. We are happy to work with you on pricing replacement hardware if necessary.

You can read more about the FSI Client and the Enhanced format here.

This does not affect the Legacy format of the Point of Sale system. That will continue to work as-is.

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