Bamboo Health PMP Clearinghouse sFTP Credential Update

Bamboo Health PMP SFTP Gateway
Username and password Change

On January 31, 2023, Bamboo Health will implement a connection change.
FSI will make setting this in your software simple by automatically
prompting for your new username and password.

Before you can set your new username and password
within your FSI software, you need to update your information
through Bamboo Health.

To get started, click the button below labeled
SFTP Server Transition Instructions“.
Follow the instructions step by step to reset your
SFTP username and password through Bamboo Health.

If you need assistance with this process,
you will need to contact Bamboo Health PMP Gateway Support.
To contact Bamboo Health Support, click the link below labeled
PMP Gateway Support Center“.

If you missed the email from Bamboo Health regarding this, click the link below labeled
Bamboo Health PMP Gateway Change Email

Once you have successfully changed your Bamboo Health
SFTP Gateway username and password,
you can contact FSI’s VIP Concierge Service for assistance
with updating the information in your software.
However, there is no need to contact FSI.
After the November 15th update, your software
will begin prompting for this information
at the beginning of each day until your new
username and password have been updated
within in your FSI software, by you or your staff.