Optimize your prescription drug inventory and improve profits with Datarithm®—an intuitive, cloud-based inventory management software system for pharmacies of all sizes. Datarithm® provides insights on inventory trends, movement, availability, and cost. Our user-friendly features include dashboards, reports, and workflows. Have complete and customizable control of your largest investment and biggest expense. Give techs the best technology in the business, free up pharmacists to succeed, and empower managers and owners to consistently manage Rx Inventory the way they want! Take control of your pharmacy inventory instead of letting it control you. 

Schedule a free, no-obligation demonstration by visiting www.datarithm.co 

Or you can call (877) 273-5112


Written and published by Ross Snyder – Foundation Systems, Inc (801) 785-7720

ross@fsi.us.comhelp.fsi.us.com – training.fsi.us.com